Cruver Diagram: Trinitarian Adoption

Dan Cruver’s got a great collaboration going on at his blog as he develops a tremendously helpful diagram displaying the Trinitarian realities of the doctrine of adoption.  He hashes this out in chapter 2 of his book, Reclaiming Adoption: Missional Living Through the Rediscovery of Abba Father. The most recent diagram is posted below, but I urge you to head over there and take part in the discussion!  Click on the picture to be redirected to his blog.

Download it…it’s SOLID. (…and FREE!)

If you’re not already aware, I wanted to point you in the direction of a few great resources that are available for free PDF download…

Reclaiming Adoption Study Guide Dan Cruver’s book, Reclaiming Adoption is a gospel-soaked, engaging , accessible primer on the doctrine of adoption and it’s implications for our relationship with God and our support of orphan care in the world.  You can read a short write-up/pre-review I did here.  The study guide is a great resource whether or not you have read or even own the book (you really should own it!). Click here to download the PDF Study Guide. Follow Dan Cruver on Twitter: @DanCruver

(HT: Together For Adoption)

The Biblical Counseling Coalition “exists to strengthen churches, para-church organizations, and educational institutions by promoting excellence and unity in biblical counseling as a means to accomplish compassionate outreach and effective discipleship.”  Their Confessional Statement provides a well-stated, biblically-rooted, gospel-centered philosophy for doing counseling ministry.  Click here to download the Confessional Statement in PDF format. Follow the Biblical Counseling Coalition on Twitter: @biblicalcc

(HT: Biblical Counseling Coalition)

Earlier today, one of the pastors at the church approached me for suggestions regarding a helpful resource for training young men in our church to become leaders within the body.  The resource that came to mind was Scott Thomas’ Theological Clarity and Application: Equipping Leaders in Biblical Doctrine.  This free resource uses Grudem’s Christian Beliefs: 20 Basics Every Christian Should Know to develop leaders who are practically equipped with theological clarity and sound doctrine to effectively minister in the church.  Click here to download the PDF workbook. Follow Scott Thomas on Twitter: @acts29

(HT: acts29)

Dennis Johnson on Preaching and the Gospel

Dennis Johnson writes:

“Spiritual maturity is derived only from living in union with Christ*, by faith and through the Spirit.  Only in Christ and our union with him in his death and resurrection do believers find the motive and the powers to pursue growth in godliness and love.

Therefore, the same gospel that initially called us to faith is the means that perfects us in faith.  As surely as Christ’s obedience, death, and resurrection constitute the all-sufficient, once-for-all ground for our justification by faith, so Christ’s righteous life, sacrificial death, and vindication in resurrection power are the fount from which flows our sanctification by faith as we grow in grace.  The preaching that matures and edifies, no less than the preaching that evangelizes and converts, calls believers not “beyond” the gospel to “deeper mysteries” (as some were promising to the Colossian Christians [cf. Col. 2:16-23]) but more deeply into the gospel and its implications for our attitudes, affections, motivations, and actions.”

[Quoted from Dennis Johnson, Him We Proclaim: Preaching Christ From All the Scriptures (Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing, 2007), 68]

Dennis Johnson is Professor of Practical Theology at Westminster Seminary California.

*For more on the believer’s “union with Christ” see Justin Taylor’s “Crash Course”, Michael Horton’s article, or Chapter 4 in Dan Cruver’s Reclaiming Adoption.

The Gospel, The Trinity, & Adoption.

I’m currently reading through Dan Cruver’s book, Reclaiming Adoption: Missional Living Through the Rediscovery of Abba Father (2011, Cruciform Press), and it is excellent!  (Grateful to have won a copy from Steve McCoy! – You should follow him on Twitter…@stevekmccoy)  It’s proving to be a theologically concise, beautifully written, gospel-centered discussion of the doctrine of adoption, and thus far has been a profound encouragement to me.

The following is Cruver’s discussion of how the gospel, the Trinity, and the doctrine of adoption work together to graciously allow the redeemed to participate in the circle of joy-filled communion that has eternally existed in the triune God:

The good news of the gospel is that God’s gracious provision of adoption, irrespective of our grievous demerit, is the activity by which he enlarges the circle of communion that has eternally existed between the three Persons of the Trinity!  The joyful news of the gospel is that God the Father brings us to share in the loving communion that he forever enjoys with his eternal and natural Son through the work of his eternal and natural Son in our place and in our stead.  Through adoption God graciously brings us to participate in the reciprocal love that ever flows between the Father and the Son.  No only is this the very heart of adoption; it is also the very heart of the gospel. (pp. 26-27)

I can’t recommend this book highly enough.  It’s soaked with gospel encouragement, and is a great primer on the doctrine of adoption and its implications for the life of the follower of Christ.  Not to mention the book also features chapters by John Piper, Scotty Smith, Rick Phillips, and Jason Kovacs!

Purchase a copy of Reclaiming Adoption at WTS Books.

DOWNLOAD the FREE STUDY GUIDE! (Great resource whether you own the book or not!)